Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gibson fined for DRS criticism

Updated April 21, 2012 10:18:51

West Indies coach Ottis Gibson has been fined by the International Cricket Council (ICC) after comments made about the decision review system (DRS) during the second Test against Australia.

The current series is not using the full technology, such as Hotspot and Snicko, and Gibson claimed his team had suffered from some decisions.

Gibson argued that if the full technology was not available then it would be better not to use the DRS at all.

The ICC says Gibson's comments broke their Code of Conduct and that he will be fined 20 per cent of his match fee.

The rain-affected second Test was drawn leaving Australia 1-0 up heading into next week's third and final match of the series in Dominica.


Tags: cricket, sport, trinidad-and-tobago

First posted April 21, 2012 10:18:51

View the original article here

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