Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Bash players set for open market

Posted June 27, 2011 16:00:00

Australia's cricketers will offer themselves around in an open slather free agency system for the revamped Twenty20 competition.

Cricket Australia (CA) says players have from Thursday until July 22 to find a contract with teams, which are allowed two overseas cricketers each.

"Team salary caps and minimum player retainers will be announced (on) June 29 after the state contracting process has ended," CA said on Monday in a statement.

Each Twenty20 outfit must contract a minimum of 14 players during the 23-day player contracting window, with final 18-man squads submitted by December.

"Contracting will be conducted under a free agency player allocation model," CA said.

"Teams and players can negotiate with each other as they choose, within the defined salary cap."

Overseas players can be replaced during the event with up to two other overseas players, in the event of injury or international duties.


Tags: sport, cricket, twenty20, australia

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